The Sessions tab in your admin panel shows data for each student-provider interaction, including data for both Appointments (1:1 and Group) and Sections. There are three tabs: Search, Feedback, and Manage. This data can be exported into a CSV file through the Manage tab. To learn more about appointment feedback, review the help center article, Where to View Appointment Feedback.
Viewing Appointment Data
Within Sessions > Search, you'll see a table. All rows in this table correspond to an interaction between a single student and provider. If this session is part of a group (either group appointment or Section), there will be rows for each individual student with the same tutor, time, course, location, etc.
When viewing this table, not all columns will fit on your screen, so you will need to scroll to the right to see all of the information. You can also click into a session to see more detail, like shown below.
When you export the session detail into a CSV, more columns and information will be available compared to what you see on the search tab. This is described in the header below, "Manage Tab - Exporting sessions.csv".
Editing Session Details
Some session data fields are editable. More information on this can be found in the article Admins: Appointments Flow, under the header, "Editing Session Details".
Exporting the sessions.csv
Note that within Sessions > Manage, you have the ability to cancel all sessions (discussed here: Admins: End of Term Best Practice) or export the session.csv.
The session.csv has several columns and is a complete list of all session details surrounding your appointments (1:1 and group) and section interactions. With the session.csv, you have the ability to organize, analyze and present the data in a useful manner for your reporting. For more ways to use the session.csv, review the article Admins: Excel Template Reports.
Above is an example screenshot of the sessions export CSV
Below are the columns explained:
Standard Columns (in order)
- Status
- Pending: These are sessions where the student has requested an appointment but the tutor has not yet confirmed the appointment. Once the tutor has confirmed the status will change to "Scheduled". If the tutor declines, the session will switch to "Declined".
- Note: if a session is pending, but the date/time has already passed, students will not get an alert if the session is canceled through the admin website.
- Scheduled: These are sessions that are at a future date where the tutor has confirmed the appointment.
- Declined: These are sessions where the provider has declined to teach.
- Canceled: These are sessions that either the Tutor or Student has canceled. Sessions may be canceled after a session is scheduled.
- Completed: These are sessions that have happened, meaning the scheduled date and time have passed and were not canceled. This status does not indicate student attendance. The student can either be present or absent when the status is completed. Note, the actual student attendance is shown in a different column.
- Pending: These are sessions where the student has requested an appointment but the tutor has not yet confirmed the appointment. Once the tutor has confirmed the status will change to "Scheduled". If the tutor declines, the session will switch to "Declined".
- Student Email
- Student SSO ID
- Student ID
- Student Name
- Source Kind
- This will either be "Admin" or "Student". It signifies through which platform was the appointment made, either through (admin) or (student).
- Source User
- What is the email of the user who made the appointment
- Booking Flow
- How was the appointment made. This will be either Student, Standard, Retroactive, or Override.
- Requested At Date
- When was the appointment created/requested. This is NOT the date of the appointment
- Requested At Time
- What time was the appointment created/requested. This is NOT the time of the appointment
- Tutor Email
- Tutor SSO ID
- Tutor Name
- Kind is used to differentiate between 1-on-1 and group sessions.
- If the Kind is group and the Section column is filled out, it means this session was a part of a Section. Note, just uploading Sections will not create sessions; a student must register for an instance of that section for a corresponding session to appear in this table (or be added via student invites, where the section was required).
- Recurrence will either be weekly or once.
- Course
- Section if this is part of a section (large group) we will include the name of that specific section. Please note that sections will be replaced by "Events", which has its own export.
- Location
- Agenda
- This column is OLD. If you have data before 02-21-2023, this column will be included.
- Requested Start At Date
- This will be the (start) date of the appointment and equal to the value in "Scheduled Start At Date"
- Requested Start At Time
- This will be the (start) time of the appointment and equal to the value in "Scheduled Start At Time"
- Requested End At Date
- This will be the (end) date of the appointment and equal to the value in "Scheduled End At Date"
- Requested End At Time
- This will be the (end) time of the appointment and equal to the value in "Scheduled End At Time"
- Requested Length
- This will be the length of time the appointment was requested/scheduled for and equal to the value in "Scheduled Length"
- Scheduled Start At Date
- This will be the date of the appointment and equal to the value in "Requested Start At Date"
- Scheduled Start At Time
- This will be the (start) time of the appointment and equal to the value in "Requested Start At Time"
- Scheduled End At Date
- This will be the (end) date of the appointment and equal to the value in "Requested End At Date"
- Scheduled End At Time
- This will be the (end) time of the appointment and equal to the value in "Requested End At Time"
- Scheduled Length
- This will be the length of time the appointment was requested/scheduled for and equal to the value in "Requested Length"
- Provider Submitted Length is filled out by providers when they submit their session log and indicates how long the actual session was.
- Started At Date
- This will be when the provider started to fill out the feedback log, this is NOT the date of the appointment
- Started At Time
- This will be the time when the provider started to fill out the feedback log, this is NOT the time of the appointment
- Ended At Date
- This will be when the provider submitted the feedback log, this is NOT the date of the appointment
- Ended At Time
- This will be the time when the provider submitted the feedback log, this is NOT the time of the appointment
- Student Attendance is filled out by providers when they submit their session log and indicates whether or not the student was there.
- Student Attendance Reason
- Cancelled At Date
- Cancelled At Time
- Cancel Reason
- When an appointment was cancelled, the system will ask the user to give a reason. This is a short answer field.
- Canceller Email
- Who cancelled the appointment
The next few columns are customizable and vary from community to community. Below are a list of the category/type of custom fields.
- Agenda Questions
- These are the questions asked of a student before they are able to confirm an appointment. The options include Short Answer, Long Answer, Drop-Down, Checkboxes, and File Upload. Admin are able to edit this in the admin panel, and can add as many questions as they would like.
- Student Feedback
- These are the questions asked of students after an appointment. The options include Short Answer, Long Answer, Drop-Down, and Link. Admin are able to edit this in the admin panel, and can add as many questions as they would like.
- Provider Feedback
- These are the questions asked of providers after an appointment. The options include Short Answer, Long Answer, Drop-Down, Link, and Email Session Receipt To. Admin are able to edit this in the admin panel, and can add as many questions as they would like.
- Student Metadata
- This is the information imported into Penji from your own IT system. We attach the metadata information we receive from your school to each session so that the admin can easily perform analytics.
Note that once the student metadata integration is enabled, any student interactions from that point on will have metadata attached to the visit, but metadata will not be added to any past data.
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