The Events mode builds up from our previous group model, Sections, incorporating both the positive feedback and constructive criticism we received.
Note that we will no longer be updating Sections, but you can continue using Sections if you prefer. However, we strongly encourage all admin to use events mode.
Enabling "Events" Mode
Before using events mode, you need to enable the mode.
1. To enable Events, navigate to your admin panel > Settings > click the "Events" tab.
2. You will be redirected to this screen
3. Make sure the "Events mode enabled" is set to "enabled".
4. Once this is done, you can start creating events.
Creating an Event
To create an event you'll navigate to your admin panel > Events > "+ CREATE EVENT". You will be redirected to a new screen where you will input the event details, such as event basics (event name, location, other instructions), schedule, and attendees.
Event Basics
- Name
- The title of the event (this field is required)
- Note that event names do not need to be unique, however, for clarity purposes, we recommend making them distinguishable for students.
- Location Name
- Where the event will be held (this field is required)
- Note that this does not need to be a location that was uploaded for session or drop-in use. This can be a unique location purely used for the event.
- Location URL
- If the event has the option for virtual attendance (Zoom, or even Google Maps).
- For sessions and drop-ins, the system will use the tutor's unique Zoom/Webex/Teams/GoBoard link. However, for Events, when you are creating the event you need to include the URL. The system will not pull in providers' unique online location links.
- Location Instructions
- Add any additional details about the location.
- Providers (Tutors)
- You can include an approved provider, or you can add a new provider not on the eligibility list.
- If left blank, there will be no provider associated with the event. Note that if there is no associated provider, no one will be automatically assigned to record attendance. Therefore, attendance will be recorded through a Kiosk Check-In.
- If you add an email/account that is not on the eligibility list (provider.csv) that user will not be able to access the "teach" screen (but they will receive calendar reminders/email notifications). Therefore, because they do not have access to the "teach" screen, they will not be able to record attendance. In this case, attendance will be recorded through a Kiosk Check-In.
- If you add an already approved provider, they will have access to the "teach" screen. Therefore, they will be able to record attendance for the Event and have a session placeholder card on their teach screen. They will also receive push notifications, emails, and calendar invites.
- You can add multiple providers
- You can include an approved provider, or you can add a new provider not on the eligibility list.
- Courses/Topics
- Once you click on "+ ADD COURSE" there is an option to either match an "Exact course" or "Courses starting with". Courses/topics will be how students can filter through the different events.
- Exact Course: If you would like to have a single course/topic related to the event, you'll want to select "Exact Course". This does not have to be a course listed on the course.csv, it can be a unique custom course.
- Courses starting with: You can attach multiple courses at once, by indicating what the course/topic should start with.
- For example, if you have 5 sections of CHEM101, and your courses are broken out by section number, instead of adding "CHEM101-1", "CHEM101-2"... "CHEM101-5" all as a different "exact course", you can use "courses starting with" "CHEM101".
- Even more broadly, if you would like to make a general chemistry event, you can use "CHEM" for the "courses starting with".
- You can add as many courses as you would like for the event.
- Once you click on "+ ADD COURSE" there is an option to either match an "Exact course" or "Courses starting with". Courses/topics will be how students can filter through the different events.
- Kiosk Check-In
- If you would like students to be able to check in through a Kiosk link, please enable Kiosk Check-In.
- **Card Reader
- If the card reader integration is set up in your community, you will have the option to enable card reader support for the event check-in.
- If you would like to set up card reader support, please email
Event Schedule
- Recurrence
- This can be Weekly (image above, left) or Once (image above, right). You can enter multiple/different schedules by selecting "+ ADD SCHEDULE".
- Weekly: Admins can set up events to repeat on a weekly basis.
- Choose the frequency and timing for the event to repeat each week.
- Indicate the day(s) and time(s) for the event to occur.
- Decide whether participants signing up for the event are registering for all instances or just the next occurrence
- One-time Event: Admins can schedule events for a specific date and time. This option is suitable for events that don't repeat regularly, such as a special seminar or workshop.
- Specify the date and time for a singular event.
- Input the start and end times for the event.
- Weekly: Admins can set up events to repeat on a weekly basis.
- This can be Weekly (image above, left) or Once (image above, right). You can enter multiple/different schedules by selecting "+ ADD SCHEDULE".
- Skip Days
- You can designate specific days to skip as part of your event series. Events scheduled on these skip days will be excluded from the Learn/Teach screens.
- To add a skip day, you can navigate to Events > click on the eye icon of the event you want to edit > click "Edit" on the header > scroll down to "Skips Days" > choose the days you want to skip in the series.
- If you decide to remove a skip day, the event will be added back to the user's Learn/Teach screen. This feature allows for greater control over the event schedule and ensures that skipped days are properly managed.
Student (Attendee) Details
- Student Capacity
- As an admin, you can specify the maximum number of students who can attend each event by setting a capacity limit. This capacity limit is a required field and will be displayed to students on the event details screen when the event is full.
- Additionally, you can set the capacity to 0 for scenarios where you want the event to be exclusively for waitlisted students or for admin-added events.
- You have the option to enable waitlists for each event.
- When waitlists are enabled and the event reaches its capacity, students will automatically join the waitlist.
- From the admin panel, you can view the waitlist and manually add students to the event as space becomes available. This feature ensures efficient management of event attendance and accommodates scenarios where demand exceeds capacity.
- As an admin, you can specify the maximum number of students who can attend each event by setting a capacity limit. This capacity limit is a required field and will be displayed to students on the event details screen when the event is full.
- Student Eligibility
- Student eligibility settings control who can see and join your event. You have two options:
- Student eligibility settings control who can see and join your event. You have two options:
1. Everyone:
- The event is open to all students.
- You can still upload a list of attendees for your providers (explained below).
2. Set Eligibility:
- You can choose specific criteria for which students can attend.
- Two methods to decide eligibility:
- Attendance List: Upload a list of eligible students.
- Course Enrollment: Use student enrollment data (via IT or manual input) to decide who can join.
Attendance List
You can preload students onto an attendance list for your providers:
No Preload:
- Choose "None" if you don't want to preload students.
- Students must register themselves, and only registered students will appear on the attendance form.
Yes, Preload Students:
Two options to preload students:
Registered: You add students to the event, and they’ll automatically receive reminders and calendar invites. This applies to all future sessions if it’s a recurring event.
Roster: You add students to the provider’s attendance list, but they must still join the event on Penji to get notifications or invites.
- Student RSVP
- If an event is set to recur weekly, an additional option called "Student RSVP" will be available. This option controls whether students, when registering for the event, are signing up for all occurrences of the event or just the next occurrence.
- It's important to note that this "Student RSVP" option will not appear if the Attendance List is set to "Registered." This is because, with the "Registered" option, students are directly added to the event without needing to register themselves individually for each occurrence, thus making the "Student RSVP" option unnecessary.
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