A Walkthrough of the "Learn" and "Teach" Screen
This article references the "Learn" and "Teach" screens. These are the generic Penji terms and can be customized within your community. For schools with multiple communities, the "Learn" and "Teach" buttons are not always the same, they are community-specific. Ultimately, the names of the buttons indicate where students will get help ("Learn" Screen) and where providers will manage their sessions and hours ("Teach" Screen).
Other examples include:
- "Learn" Button --> "Student", "Get Help", etc.
- "Teach" Button --> "Advisor", "Staff", "Mentor", etc.
Overview of web.penjiapp.com
When you login to Penji, you will be directed to your "Teach" Screen. If you do not have access to the "Teach" Screen, email your program coordinator for approval. When students login, they will be directed to the "Learn" screen.
"Teach" Screen Navigation
You will want to make sure you are on the "Teach" Screen. To determine which screen you are on, look for the blue Penji Highlighting, as shown in the below image (left navigation panel).
The above is a screenshot of a provider's Teach Screen.
- The top red box represents the different modes of support offered within this community that you can have hours in. Within this community, you can select to either view your hours or edit them (if allowed by admins) by selecting "Edit appointment availability" and "View drop-in rooms". If you are not allowed to edit your hours, you can view assigned hours for that mode by selecting one of the buttons.
- For Drop-In purposes, you will also check in at the start of your shift here. More on Drop-In can be found in the article Providers: Drop-in Training.
- Information on how to add hours can be found in, Providers: Setting Up & Editing Hours.
- Note that, you might have additional custom buttons on your main screen. Your admin can add additional buttons, above or below the modes of support, which can link out to other websites/resources.
- The "Your Students" shows what students you have last interacted with. From here, you can easily select a student and chat with them or view your chat history.
- The "Your Activity" will list out past sessions where you need to submit feedback and any other upcoming future sessions. You will be able to click into your upcoming session cards to see the details of your session (date, time, student, location, etc.).
To read more about how to provide support, check out the following articles:
"Learn" Screen Navigation
You will want to make sure you are on the "Learn" Screen. To determine which screen you are on, look for the blue Penji Highlighting, as shown in the below image (left navigation panel).
The above is a screenshot of a student's Learn Screen.
- The top red box represents the different modes of support offered within this community. Below is an example of a custom link, which could be above or below the modes of support. These options change based on what options are available within your community.
- The modes of support in this community are listed below:
- Schedule a single 1-on-1 appointment
- Asynchronous paper drop-off
- Join a workshop
- View drop-in schedule
- The "Center FAQ and Policies" is a custom learn screen button specific to this community. Selecting that button will direct you to a different website.
- The modes of support in this community are listed below:
- The "Your Tutors" shows students what providers they last interacted with. From here, students can easily select a provider and chat with them. Through chat, students can also upload a document and share an image. The word "Tutors" might be renamed in your community to something else like advisor, coach, etc.
- The "Your Activity" will list out past sessions where the student needs to submit feedback and any other upcoming future sessions. Students will be able to click into their upcoming session cards to see the details of their session (date, time, provider, location, etc.).
To read more about the student experience, check out the following articles:
General Navigation
The above image is currently on the "Learn" screen, however, the same items listed below apply to the "Teach" screen. There is the same general navigation on both the "Learn" and "Teach" screens.
- In the upper left-hand corner is the community name, "The Tutoring Center". The community name at the top corresponds to the community you are currently in and viewing.
On the left-hand side menu, you can toggle between: - "Learn" and "Teach" screens: The name of these tabs might be something different. They are specific to each community. Ultimately the buttons indicate where students will get help (Learn Screen) and where providers (tutors, coaches, etc.) will manage their sessions and hours (Teach Screen).
- The "Teach" screen is specific for providers, a program coordinator needs to approve you in order to access this screen.
- Help Screen: Here is where you can report a problem to Penji Support. More information can be found in the article, Students: How to Get Help & Settings.
- Settings Screen: Here you can delete your account, update any location links and log out. More information can be found in the articles, Students: How to Get Help & Settings and Providers: Setting up Zoom in Penji.
- You have the ability to toggle between different Communities available at your school. In the above example, you have access to "The Tutoring Center", "Peer Mentoring", "Your Advisor: David Brookshire" and the "Financial Aid" community. Tapping any of the other communities on the left-hand side menu will allow you to switch to that community, which will likely have different options of support available. Please note that the options within Penji will likely not represent all student support available on your campus - but we're working on it!
On the top-right, you can select: - Chat: By clicking on the speech bubble icon, you can access the Penji Chat. The view is of a list of students that you had or have sessions with that you can chat with individually. In this community, there are 3 chat notifications that have not been opened. Note that you do not need to have chatted the students previously in order for them to show up in the list -- however, in order to chat a student, they must be a registered/confirmed Penji user. See the below section, "Important Notes on Using the Penji Chat," for more information on how to access and use the chat function.
Notifications: To the right of Chat, you'll see a bell symbol. Here you can view a list of quick notifications like canceled sessions, when drop-in time is ending, and sessions you have been asked to lead.
Profile Icon: When selecting your profile icon you have the option to view your profile or log out. If you would like to edit your profile, you'll select View profile > Edit profile.
Important Notes on Using the Penji Chat
As you begin to use Penji, more ways to access and use the Penji Chat will appear. Here are the other ways you'll be able to chat a student:
NOTE: These methods to access the Penji Chat, including the aforementioned speech bubble icon, will only work if the student you wish to chat is a registered, confirmed Penji user.
- "Your Students" on the Teach Screen: The profile pictures and names of students that had and have sessions with you will show up here. Click on the profile picture of the student you wish to chat with -- their chat room should open up immediately.
- Session Details (two methods):
- "View session chatroom" button: If a student has an upcoming or in-progress session with you, you'll see a session card for it on your Teach Screen:
Figure 1: Some examples of session cards on a provider's Teach screen.
Click into a session card to access its session details. There, you will see a "View session chatroom" button at the top:
Figure 2: "View session chatroom" button is highlighted in yellow at the top of the Session Details page.
Click on the button to open the student's chat room. - Student Profile under "Attendees": From the Session Details page, go to the "Attendees" section -- there, you'll see the profile of the student attending the session:
Figure 3: "Attendees" header is highlighted in yellow. The name of the student for this session, Brianna Walker, is also highlighted in yellow.
Click on the student's profile to expand it; you will then see a "Chat" button:
Figure 4: Brianna's full profile is shown. The "Chat" button is highlighted in yellow.
Click "Chat" to open the student's chat room.
- "View session chatroom" button: If a student has an upcoming or in-progress session with you, you'll see a session card for it on your Teach Screen:
How would I know if the student I want to chat is NOT a registered, confirmed Penji user?
Students who are unregistered Penji users will not appear under "Your Students" or within the list of students from the Penji Chat speech bubble icon. Although you can have an existing session card for a student who is unregistered, the ways to access the chat from the Session Details page will be removed:
Figure 5: Example of what session details look like for a session with an unregistered student. Note the red "X" where the "View session chatroom" button has disappeared. Also note the red "X" where the student's profile is. Unlike the tutor profile above it, there is no arrow on the right, indicating that this profile cannot be expanded to reveal the "Chat" button.
Overview of the Penji Mobile App
The same detailed information about the Learn Screen, Teach Screen, and General Navigation above applies to the mobile app. See the below video for how this looks on the Mobile App.
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